Grade 4: Eight 4 Minute Shifts, 2 Minute Halftime, 3 Minute Overtime
Grade 5-12: Four 8 Minute Quarters, 2 Minute Halftime, 3 Minutes Overtime
Substitution: Only between shifts unless an injury or disqualification occurs (4th grade only)
Participation Rule: In use for Grade 4
Drop Back Rule: 4th Grade no pressing. 5th grade 15 points or more.
Full Court Press: 4th Grade no pressing. 5th grade pressing allowed.
Number of Players |
Min. Shifts Per Players |
Max. Shifts Per Player |
CYBL will be responsible for referees, website updates (standings), scheduling all league games and the championship tournament.
The official game size basketball for Grades 3-5 27.5
The official game size basketball for Grades 6-7 28.5
The official game size basketball for Grades 8-12 29.5
During a game, each team receives:
Note: Only two timeouts will be granted in the last two minutes of a game. Coaches must therefore use one timeout before the last two minutes of the game; otherwise they effectively “lose” that timeout.
Any unused timeouts do not carry over into overtime. One timeout per overtime period is granted.
A 15-minute grace period from the scheduled start of the game will be granted for a late team.
At the Canadian Youth Basketball League Showdown, an CYBL staff member shall decide if a forfeit is to be called after the 15-minute grace period has expired.
Teams arriving in the 15-minute period will be permitted a five-minute warm-up to prevent injury.
In a forfeited game, the score shall be recorded as 2-0. If both teams forfeit (due to insufficient players), the score shall be recorded as 0-0.
- Each team will be given a minimum of 5 minutes to warm up and 3 minutes for halftime. The game time will also be the forfeit time, based on the discretion of the site convenor.
- Each team is responsible for cleaning the bench area after games.
- Each team is permitted a maximum of Three coaches/managers for free admission. The three names will be provided to CYBL personnel during the registration process.
- A player may only play for one Sporting Club per year. Players may play for a maximum of 2 different age/grade divisions. Only 2 players maximum from any team may play up an age/grade division but it must be with a team from the same Sporting Club. A player cannot play within the same age group in different divisions (example: Johnny cannot play with the Lions 9th grade Division 1 team and Lions 9th grade Division 2 team). A player can only play for 1 age group in the CYBL Playoffs and Showdown.
Players may be added to a team roster after it has been submitted but the final roster is due after the third session of the CYBL season (3rd - 8th Grade) and before the second session of the CYBL season (9th – 12th Grade). Teams are not permitted to drop any player(s) from the team registration (15 roster spots) form to make space for player additions once the team roster has been submitted to the Canadian Youth Basketball League.
A player may transfer from 1 club to another club (once for the entire CYBL season). The club receiving the transferred player must provide a letter to the CYBL from the players original club stating that both sides agree to the transfer. A player can only transfer clubs before the start of the 3rd CYBL session.
The CYBL Tie-Break format will be as follows:
All Draws
Step 1: Team winning percentage
Step 2: Two-Way Tie, Head-to-Head method If a tie exists between two teams at the completion of the schedule, the winner of the game played by the two teams involved (head-to-head match-up) will be given priority ranking.
Step 3: Three-Way Tie, Points For and Against method If a tie exists between three or more teams, the points for and against method will be used with a cap at 20 points per game.
Step 4: After the Three-Way Tie, the tie-break between the second and third place teams will be head-to-head.
Noisemakers (e.g., mechanical air horns, electronic devices) are allowed but must be used only in a positive manner. Noisemakers should not be used to distract the opposing team (i.e., during foul shots). Should the tournament convenor or game officials deem the noise to be excessive, spectator(s) will be asked to refrain from further distraction.
The first time an individual participates in a fight/ inappropriate incident or gets ejected (2 technical fouls) in a game during the CYBL season, the individual shall be suspended from participating in the team’s next CYBL regular season and/or playoff game.
The second time an individual participates in a fight/ inappropriate incident or gets ejected (2 technical fouls) in a game during the CYBL season, the individual shall be suspended from participating in the team’s next TWO CYBL regular season and/or playoff game.
The third time an individual participates in a fight/ inappropriate incident or gets ejected (2 technical fouls) in a game during the CYBL season, that individual shall be suspended for the remainder of the CYBL regular season and/or playoffs and may/may not be able to participate in future CYBL seasons.
All protests must be submitted in writing to the CYBL. Teams being protested (based on concerns over the eligibility of players) must produce a legal birth certificate. A final decision will be made by the CYBL commissioner and will not be subject to any further discussion. Proof of eligibility (birth certificate or passport) must be produced in the event of such a protest
Please note: There is a zero tolerance policy in effect for the treatment of CYBL staff. If it is found that an individual(s) has been abusive (verbally or physically), he/she will be asked to leave the venue and will not be permitted to return for that session as well as all other CYBL activities and events.